Betsey Lebow, MA is an LMFT, licensed in CA, CT, and NY.
She is a Certified Discernment Counselor (DC) as well as a Discernment Counseling Fellow. What does that mean? With her cohort, she trained with Founder William J. Doherty, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Doherty Thomas, MS for a year, honing her skills. Consulting with Bill and Elizabeth was an invigorating experience.
How Betsey can help and support you as a therapist? She is offering online consultations to support your learning and growth. In these consultations she will answer questions about the training/protocol as well as specific questions about your cases (if you’re certified and taking DC cases).
The first time Betsey heard about DC was when she met Bill in NY while he was presenting to a local group of couples therapists. “Pretty much everything he said resonated with me.” Many couples ‘rush into’ divorce without a clear understanding about how they got there. Couples also ‘try’ couples therapy (while one of them is actually leaning out) and it doesn’t work. Bill’s protocol to help these couples thoughtfully decide how to proceed made so much sense to her! She’s been training and practicing DC ever since.
Here’s what Betsey has been offering since October 2023:
For both current DC trainees and fully trained Discernment Counselors Betsey is offering to help and clarify the protocol as they’re learning or with specific guidance with current, ‘live’ cases.
For both trainees and certified DC-ers Betsey offers private consultations as well groups of four:
Private consultations: $250/hr. Times available will be Thursdays 12-1 (ET). Additional times may become available.
Groups of four (There is currently room in this group) $100 each/hr. Will meet twice a month. $500 to be paid upfront, with the opportunity to re-commit after every five sessions. Groups will run Tuesdays 12-1 Eastern Time. The goal of these groups is to learn and grow together as well as to develop a DC community.
Please email Betsey at to set up a time to meet or if you have any questions.