Gracefully Surrender
/Desiderata blog 9
"Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness."
Ok, I must tell you that this is one of my favorite sections of Desiderata. As a 57 year-old woman this speaks to me. Mainly because I’m very busy surrendering. It’s a full time job.
Let me explain...
Daily, maybe even hourly, I am confronted with reminders that I am no longer young, as well as ‘suggestions’ that I can maybe do something about it. I have to say this just once, anti-aging, doesn’t that technically mean dying? What about gracefully aging? Gracefully surrendering?
I surrender by:
Recognizing that I never have to go on a roller coaster again
Admitting that I don’t even want to get a tan anymore.
Celebrating that I like to go to bed early instead of apologizing for it.
Appreciating the maturity (and yes fun!) of a long term marriage that is notably missing the drama of younger years.
Deciding that I no longer need to apologize for not wanting to ski again. Ever.
Also, I love being reminded that as we age, maybe, just maybe, our spirits can be strengthened, and we can spend less time worrying about things that will likely NOT come to pass. When you're worried, take a nap, call a friend, eat a healthy meal, take a walk or a shower. Then notice if you're still upset.
Regardless of your age, how do you let go of things that no longer serve you? Please write back to me with your list, no matter your age or how short or long. Maybe I’ll make your lists a subsequent blog post. Thank you.