Finding compassion around Robin Williams' death
/It’s three days after Robin Williams’ death. People are talking, blogging, posting, crying. I guess that’s what I’m doing here. Everybody processes their feelings differently. What’s bothering me are a couple of comments I’ve heard. There are people out there calling his suicide “selfish, how could he do this to his family?” as well as loudly asserting, “I wouldn’t be depressed if I had HIS life!”
To those people I ask to please find some compassion. Nobody knows what it was like to walk in any one else’s shoes. Please educate yourself about mental illness and addiction. You’re likely related to or live near or work with someone who is suffering. He or she may be suffering silently for fear of judgement; the kind of judgement that you are putting out there. (Originally posted 8/14/14)
One of my favorites: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. Philo
Another favorite – Robin Williams at his best at work: