Growth through trying something new

Four years ago I hired a professional to build me a website. I think she did a great job. It was pricey and took a long time, but that's what I expected four years ago. Two weeks ago my 20-something children informed me that I needed to re-do my site on SquareSpace because it's easy to make and easy to edit. Terrific! That's what I want. Easy and easy. What I 'needed' first was for one of them to step up and build it for me. "No." Really? They have their own lives and possess no interest in building a website for their 50-something mother - here's the good part - if she can do it herself. Could I? Well, after some learning and struggling and mistakes and creativity and fun, I did! I guess it worked because you're on the new site and reading this blog that I wrote and published SO EASILY. Thanks boys! Thanks for pushing me to grow. It hurt a little, but not too much.