January is "Find a Therapist" Month

I’d like to welcome you all back to your regularly scheduled lives. Isn’t that how it feels when January comes around? I’m certainly feeling that way a little bit. So many (wonderful?) distractions have consumed our time for the past couple of months and now here we are: winter and January. What to do?

I don’t have official statistics but I’m boldly dubbing January “Find a Therapist Month.” Why? Well, because I've noticed many people start therapy in the new year. Here’s the good and bad news: there is little over which we actually have control. It's bad because most things are outside our control; good because we DO have control over making changes in our lives. We influence others, we control ourselves. Or we can learn to control ourselves.

How? The how can be in choosing to dive into therapy. Yes, I said dive...no toe dipping! I’ve found that the more open people are to looking honestly at themselves in therapy, the more effective and efficient it is.

Here’s an example: I can’t fix anybody in my life. First, they’re not broken! Second, the most effective and sustainable way to change the way I’m affected by that person is to explore how *I may be part of the problem and decide how to make changes in my approach. Those changes over which I DO have control, change the ‘dance’ between the other person and me.

I can help you start the process of change. Call me if you’re looking for a therapist. If what you need is not in my wheelhouse, I have a significant network of other therapist with other specialties who I can refer you to. We live in a community and part of our community consists of people ready to help you face the cold and January with new tools to help you heal and grow. This is the kind of resolution that can stick.

*In abusive and unsafe situations, the approach is different. Finding and assuring safety is the #1 priority.