/Desiderata blog 7
“Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.”
I love this excerpt because it suggests we can be both discriminating and trusting. Be careful but don’t be too cynical at the same time. How?
Well, I believe our bodies tell us pretty much all we need to know in order to make these judgement calls. And we need to listen to that body. How many times do you remember, only in hindsight, that you KNEW something in your gut but you didn’t listen to it?
Let’s apply this concept to work and home. At work, if you’re honest with yourself, didn’t you know your coworker was sketchy but ignored your hunch, and later you got burned by that person when she or he claimed your idea as his or her own? At the same time, there are others who are deserving of your trust, even admiration. Your gut can help you figure out who is who.
At home, I think we can all agree that sometimes teenagers lie. Yes, they try it out and hopefully learn soon enough that it’s not worth it. BUT, let that not blind us to how thoughtful, deep, creative, and funny they can be. All that in the same person! Remember to use our best instincts and speak up when we suspect something’s off about what they are professing. Our instincts are the hints our bodies give us.
Heroism is everywhere, believe it or not. Just look. But don’t be fooled by the shiniest penny - the person who might grab your attention first - she or he might not be the one who ultimately deserves your time and trust most. But there are a lot of us out there.
Trust your gut and find us! Yes, I’m including myself in the “us”. I debated typing “them” or “us” because I don’t want to appear arrogant. I decided it was ok because I know I do do my best every day to live with integrity and high ideals. And I bet you do too - and we all likely hit the mark most of the time. The rest of the time we have some cleaning up to do. Welcome to the human race.