On being 'busy'

It was over 15 years ago when I first remember being introduced to the concept that nobody cares if I’m busy; if you’re busy. This stuck with me and I made a vow to avoid saying “I’m busy.”

Why? Let’s break it down. I didn’t want to send an unintended message when using the word. How do people interpret what you mean when you say you’re busy?

“I feel important”
“My time is valuable”
”My free time is valuable”
”I have no free time”
”I manage my time well”
”I like being busy”
”I can’t seem to find time for myself”
”You’re lucky that I made time for you”
”I value our time together”
”I’m filling my time with important things that I value”
”I’m worried about not having enough to do”
“Busy” to me means that I’m living a full life”
”When I say I’m busy I’m complaining”
”When I say I’m busy I’m satisfied”

How do you talk at work and at home about being busy? Could others misinterpret your meaning? How do you make yourself clear?

What’s it like to NOT be busy? (Originally posted 12/12/12)