The changing look of work
/What does your work look like? Do you work in an office and dress the part or do you work from home and wear what’s most comfortable? What hours do you work? Can you reliably be found in your office or do you conduct your business from wherever you are with your cell and laptop? If you work remotely, where’s your office? Is it your car? The local library? Your home? When are you inspired?
If you’re a parent of young children, how do you integrate caring for your children and your work. Can you work remotely if your child is sick? If you have a partner how do you decide who puts work on hold for the day? Does technology make this easier?
When you’re working do you feel authentic, alive, or is it time to figure out what to do next that will likely be a better fit? Have you been out of the paid workforce for a period of time and ready to get back in but not sure where to start?
I’m asking these questions because I’ve been thinking lately about how wonderful it is that the look and feel of work is changing. Work environments vary more now than ever, in large part, due to technology. While more choices can make it harder to decide what to do, having more choices ultimately offers us the chance to home in on a ‘best fit’ work or career choice. I’d love to hear your thoughts. (Originally posted 12/10/12)