How do you feel about change?
/I used to believe that people fell into one of two camps regarding how they respond to change. I saw it as binary.; either you welcome change with open arms and see the optimistic possibilities, or break out into hives with the first thought of something changing. Now, as I mature beyond mid-middle age (is that a thing?) my opinion is softening. With age comes wisdom, and a few other things...
I see my self as a flexible person, responding to change like Gumby. "It's no big deal, I can figure it out!". And that's truly who I am. BUT. I'm learning that how I respond to change is largely correlated to what kind of change it is and in what stage of life. From 1984 to 1994 my husband and I moved our entires lives ten times. Our children respectively lived in seven and three homes before they entered kindergarten. It was great! Careers were blossoming and the excitement of living somewhere new was thrilling. Now, if you asked me if I was willing to move, I would simply say, "no!" Does that mean I went from being flexible to inflexible over time. I don't think so.
How we respond (or initially react!) to change is situational. If you want to change jobs, that's something you initiate for a reason and, while it may be stressful, it's largely under your control. If you lose your job, that's an entirely different set of circumstances to which you may respond with anxiety and fear.
How do you feel when faced with the desire for change in your relationships? Or, conversely, what's it like for you when you're faced with a break up, or when your partner comes to you with a complaint or a request for something new? How differently will you react or respond to those different situations? Taking the time and space to explore your 'dance with change' can help you know yourself better and be more adaptive and resilient at work and at home. It will also help you know when to simply say, "no!"