Bad Moms - Review AFTER Seeing the Movie

I sat with my sister in an exceptionally dark movie theater watching Bad Moms and did my best to take notes for this blog post. Indecipherable as they are, here's what I think I wrote:

"Typical presentation of hectic women's work...lazy husband...we work so hard - moms know about kids' lives, dad's don't...Online porn - ok?...Saying "No"...Husband to wife: "Isn't that your job?" (taking care of the kids)...(mom to son) "You're not a slow learner, you're entitled!"...Martha Stewart...Mom's don't quit...being a mom today is impossible...stop judging...make mistakes...the end of the movie interviews with the actor's actual mothers - the best part of the movie"

My original, tongue in cheek review (see July 20, 2016 blog post below) was accurate enough, although in it I forgot that the main point of movies, especially comedic movies, is to entertain. Was it funny...did it entertain? I guess so, but I left feeling disappointed. I was disappointed with the formulaic use of getting drunk to find fun and friendship. I was disappointed with the portrayal as men/fathers as idiots. When movies do that, they perpetuate the paradigm that women still need to do it all. Ridiculous. 

I'm a fan of collaboration between partners as well as collaborations between and amongst women. We can be each others' best supports. I know, I know, I'm too serious! This was a comedy and I should enjoy it and move on. Sometimes I have trouble laughing at topics I hold dear to my heart such as parenting and intimate partnerships. 

I recommend you go see the movie and decide for yourself. Just as long as you don't expect it to be anything but a funny movie about a serious topic!