It Wasn't Supposed to Happen This Way!
/Desiderata blog 11
“And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him or Her to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.”
How often do you find yourself saying out loud or to yourself, “it wasn’t supposed to happen this way!”? Hardly ever? Frequently? Regardless, most of us have had the protest cross our mind.
When I do, I remember the first line above and it soothes me. “Betsey...things are unfolding as they should.” It helps. It helps me remember that I’m in control of myself and nothing else. And what is happening just may end out differently than what I’m worried about right now.
Also, the lesson I need to learn is likely tied to what happened right before my impulse to fight reality. What am I fighting? Most likely something outside my control. The circle of life.
“Peace” appears twice in the rest of the quote. As a suggestion, be at peace with some energy greater than yourself. Also, as you’re seeking and aspiring and working in this confusing loud world, take time to find peace inside. It’s a choice.
Your and my choices to seek and maybe find peace may make it easier to accept when things aren’t going as we’ve somehow decided they SHOULD.
P.S. Full disclosure, I added “or Her” to the quote. It’s 2019, people!