Desiderata 8 (originally published 3/27/19 - Out of order! #always learning)
"Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass."
How simple…”be yourself.” “Simple but not easy,” I often say to my clients. Just because something may appear simple and may be backed by good research doesn’t mean it’s easy to incorporate and execute in real life. An example is that it’s usually best to take a deep breath when triggered by our significant other or child, but that’s exactly when we’re less likely to take that pause!
“Be yourself” is a good goal. It’s quite different than succumbing to the influences that are available to us constantly, (read: social media) that can be experienced as invitations to be somebody else or different. Prettier, more muscular, richer, smarter, more motivated, more zen - whatever. It’s hard to resist these temptations. Resistance requires a solid intention to accept your SELF - just as you are. Again, simple but not easy. Not a bad goal though.
I believe the rest of today’s quote suggests that we shouldn’t act differently than who we really are around others just to gain their affection because they’d be liking or loving somebody other that YOU! And let’s remember that loving another person is beautiful, especially because it adds comfort while we’re all struggling to make sense of lives that can be disenchanting.